March 13th
After going out Wednesday through Saturday with visiting friends, I decided to stay in last night and catch my breath. I went to bed early in preparation of another week of my internship.
Work today flew by. I had meetings and calls all day with my boss, account managers throughout Citi's global offices, and clients in order to introduce our product to more people and increase the pipeline. Before I knew it, it was time to leave. I met up with Will and Drew, we had some dinner and hung out until it was time to go out. Since Monday night is student night at the Tiger Tiger club in Piccadilly, Chris and I were going to take Will and Drew and meet some of our friends there. When we showed up, the line to get in was around the block. Not wanting to wait for hours, we left and went to a club nearby called Mahiki.
At first, I was bummed that we couldn't go where we wanted to. In the end, I was thrilled. Mahiki ended up being an awesome place. It was tropical themed, smelled like coconuts, and is frequented by Prince Harry. Since the prince is known to show up, it was full of hot British girls my age looking to become a Princess. Finally, I found a place with more British people than Americans! Like everywhere else in Europe, the club played almost exclusively American music from 5-10 years ago, so the dance floor was popping. Overall, the night ended up being one of my favorite nights abroad. But I ended up staying out way later than I planned, which is going to kill my productivity tomorrow.
March 14th
Well, I was right. Literally dead at my desk at work. I had four coffees before 10:30am, and my heart was racing. But tomorrow, Will and Drew head off to Madrid so in order to round out their trip, we ended up going out again tonight. As soon as I got home from work, I napped for a few hours so that I would be able to function. We headed headed back to Sports (on Will and Drew request), an almost entirely American bar with cheap drinks on tuesday nights. Here, I met Natalie and her younger brother, as well as Justin, his friend Jordan, and one of my camp friends from when I was younger. It ended up being really fun, but I didn't end up going to bed until 3:30am, which means waking up at 7am tomorrow is going to be a struggle. I'm really hoping I don't get addicted to coffee this semester...
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