Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 16th-January 18th

On Monday, our program attended a Washington University alumni event in London. The main speaker was a Wash U alum who is the head architect for the 2012 London Olympics and the 2016 Olympics in Rio. It was pretty cool when he walked through the whole planning process and how he pitched his plans to the Olympic committee. After that, there was a reception with a bar and food, allowing all the current students to mingle with alumni. Following the event, a large group of us went to a local pub. I tried Lager and lime-juice, a popular drink over here, which ended up being extremely tasty.

On Tuesday, instead of attending our usual morning session of class, our program had a tour of Google's office in the UK. Just walking around, it seemed like an awesome place to work. There were two floors of offices in a very modern building, each with Mini-kitchens and lounges for its workers. There was also a gym, aerobics room, spa, two free cafeterias, and a game room.

Today is our last day of class here in the UK. I can't believe how fast this first month has been going. Tomorrow, Chris and I are leaving for Athens, Greece for the first part of our European Study Tour. In Athens, we will be interviewing a professor at Athens University, an editor of an Athenian newspaper, as well as the former Minister of Finance in Greece. After that, we'll be touring around Athens and hopefully other parts of Greece. When we return on Sunday, we'll have a few days off, and then we head to Brussels for the second part of our European Study Tour for a mock EU conference, where we will be representing Greece's interests in the EU. Returning from Brussels, we will have our two final exams for our classes here as well as a 1,500 word research paper on cohesion and monetary policy in the EU. Busy next couple weeks, but hopefully more pictures to come.

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