Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15th

Just another day at the office has taken a completely new meaning in my life. Everyday, I take the bus, to the tube to my office. Getting on the tube is actually like a bunch of sardines in a can. Literally, you have to push your way on and squeeze in as the doors shut. Then you have the pleasure to have strangers crammed up against you so you can't move your arms. Nothing like starting the morning off right than having some creepy guy breathe all over you. As far as Citigroup is concerned, I like work, but at the same time I never realized how demanding it is. Most of my job is running reports, analyzing data, and creating spreadsheets with formulas in excel. It's really useful and I'm learning a lot, but the 9-5 is starting to turn into more of a 8:45-6pm type job. By the time I'm home, which is about 30-45mins after I leave the office, I'm exhausted. I usually come home, start cooking, and then either nap or workout. I'm actually about to go workout now and probably come back and fall asleep. Rinse and repeat tomorrow. And the next day.

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