Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 20th

Waking up for work after the weekend ended up being a challenge, but somehow I managed. I finally feel like I am a member of the team in the office and not an intern. I joke around with my coworkers and am assigned practical tasks and projects that are used and have an impact on decisions. Tonight, I met Justin for dinner at a restaurant in Islington. It turns out, City University (where Justin goes to class) is right near my apartment, so meeting him was no big deal. I left work when the clock struck five, and came down to the tube station to see a complete mob of people waiting in lines for the turnstiles to open. Apparently, there was such overcrowding down by the trains, they had to let it empty out before they allowed more people on. Since everyone uses public transportation, this gives you an idea of what commuting around London is like! When I was waiting, this guy behind me kept inching closer and closer to me, even though I couldn't move forward at all. It kind of felt like I was in a jail shower and he was moving in for the kill...

This is before you even get down to the trains

Ello gents!

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